We have to remember that the animal industry is unregulated so as pet guardians we have to dig that little deeper to ensure that the therapists we are entrusting with our dogs are suitably qualified.
My three golden rules when finding the right therapist for you are,
1- Check their qualification
2- Check their insurance
3- Are they part of a governing body?
When I received my qualification from
Rose Holistic Therapies and Training, I couldn’t have been prouder. This single piece of paper summarised over a year's hard work, yes it detailed the modules and topics covered but what it doesn’t detail are the hours of research that meant I could complete my coursework to a high standard. When I qualified it wasn’t a case that my studying was over, far from that in fact I wanted to learn more! Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is vital to ensure that your skills are as up to date as possible, but also to continue expanding your knowledge. There are a lot of qualifications and CPD’s that are available nowadays and choosing who to study with can be a bit of a minefield. The things that I look for firstly is the qualification regulated? Regulatory bodies such as
NCFE or OFQUAL ensure that the course content is valid, but also that the work being submitted is of the standard expected. By regulatory bodies remaining impartial they can effectively check that the grades being given are a true reflection of the work being produced. Secondary to this is the course quality, for example if it was a Canine Massage Course, how many practical hours are involved? With something being hands on and a core qualification this should really involve plenty of hands on work under the supervision of a tutor. Being online is a huge part of our society now and it definitely has its place. However some things really need to be in person, especially when it comes to practical application.
The same way we insure our car, home and indeed our pets, people working with animals should also have relevant insurance. There are specialist insurance companies that work alongside a variety of animal related businesses. For example I am insured with
Clivertons who provide cover for our canine massage and equipment, under the title
Non-Invasive Therapies. This extends to professional indemnity, so not only covering the work I do but the advice that I give in a professional capacity. Now this is important for when therapists are liaising with your pets insurance companies as they may request this as part of a claim for complementary therapies.
Governing Bodies
For every therapy and branch within that discipline there will be a Governing body. Governing bodies are there as an impartial party to provide rules of best practice within your discipline. For example I am part of the Association of Merishia Therapists which is the branch of massage I trained with. I’m also part of the
International Association of Animal Therapists, who cover a variety of different animal therapies. Things such as relevant insurance, qualifications and a certain amount of CPD hours must be completed before therapists can register under their authority. The reason this is relevant for pet guardians and veterinary professionals is that each governing body has already checked that your therapist's practice is up-to-date, qualified and holds relevant insurance. There are so many more governing bodies such as
NARCH for Hydrotherapists,
ACPAT for Physiotherapists,
McTimoney Animal Association for Chiropractors and many more.
Working with therapists, who hold themselves to a high standard of professional conduct is of paramount importance. This ensures that the work they do is safe and of actual benefit to your dog. If you ever have any questions regarding a therapist's qualification, just ask! I am always more than happy to share this information if it helps pet guardians.
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