Dr Carole Parsons has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to pain management, with 20 years in GP Vet Practice.
Acupuncture is a key part of Dr Carole's work, having a dedicated mobile business, PetTherapy Acupuncture & Pain Management.
50% of the ticket price will be donated to Dr Carole's charity of choice, Team Edward Labrador Rescue
Date- 11/04/2025
Time- 6pm - 7.15pm (Inclusive of 15minute Q&A)
Where- Online live event
Topics that will be covered
🐕 The history of acupuncture, 4000 years in the making
🐩 How can acupuncture be used as part of pain management?
🐾 Evidence-based approach, what is research telling us?
And much more!
This purchase includes a PDF download with all the links to attend this live event.
Following this live event your assessment will be sent via email, with a required 80% pass rate.
Upon completion of assessment, certificate will be sent within 14wd.
Tickets are non refundable or transferable.
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